Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index software
Risk of hypotension
How the software works
Clinical studies summary
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The Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software is a first-of-its-kind technology that provides you with information regarding the likelihood of a patient trending toward a hypotensive event*
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*A hypotensive event is defined as MAP <65 mmHg for a duration of at least one minute.
Viewfinder Remote App
Continuous patient insights in the palm of your hand
With Viewfinder remote app, you can view your patients’ insights directly from your smartphone. Stay connected in the moment with remote access to hemodynamic and tissue oximetry insights, trends, alerts and more.
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Viewfinder remote app
Network overview
Clinical education
Compatible solutions
CAUTION: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. See instructions for use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events.
Stay ahead of critical moments
Viewfinder remote app is for display purposes only and should not be used for monitoring purposes.
With access to the right data, at the right time, Viewfinder remote app enables you to stay informed in critical moments – no matter where you are.*
* Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM) software feature not included on Viewfinder remote app
Viewfinder remote app enables access to HemoSphere monitor’s insights via your smartphone. See predictive parameters for hypotension, advanced hemodynamic parameters, tissue oximetry insights, arterial waveform, historical trend data, alerts and more. With the ability to see multiple patients at once, you’ll always have the visibility you need. Stay informed of hemodynamic instability – no matter where you are.*
Access all-in-one monitoring on the go
Viewfinder remote app displays insights from your Hemosphere monitors, so you can stay informed from anywhere.
Key features of Viewfinder remote app
With Viewfinder remote app
Multi-patient view
Simultaneously view insights for any patients connected to HemoSphere monitors. Keep track of your patients with complete, continuous and customizable access to hemodynamic status.
Select any patient connected to a HemoSphere monitor to access their detailed patient monitoring session and get comprehensive insights into their hemodynamic status.
Within the Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software secondary screen on Viewfinder remote app, you can access advanced hemodynamic indicators of preload, contractility and afterload. Acumen HPI software on HemoSphere monitor is effective in detecting hemodynamic instability and substantially reducing the duration of intraoperative hypotension. A recent study demonstrated a 57% reduction in the duration of intraoperative hypotension.**
Individual patient view
Predictive insights
** Compared to a retrospective historical control group, in noncardiac surgical patients requiring arterial line monitoring 1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2021. K203224 510k Summary, Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index, viewed August 24, 2021.
Dig deeper into patient insights with remote access to historical trend data.
Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM) software feature not included on Viewfinder remote app. Viewfinder remote app is intended as a visual support aid, not as a monitoring device.
Predictive Insights
Stay aware with patient physiological alarms and technical alerts for all connected monitors. Personalize the app to fit your work style by customizing or silencing smartphone app alarms.
ΔctHb shows the relative change in total tissue hemoglobin and helps you identify the potential cause of StO changes. When trended together, these parameters provide additional insights into the suitability and impact of potential interventions.
* Acumen AFM software feature not included on Viewfinder remote app
Viewfinder remote app is part of the Viewfinder network. Viewfinder hub connects the network – including HemoSphere monitor, Viewfinder cloud and Viewfinder remote app – through a single, centralized secure data exchange software.
Viewfinder network
The HPI high alert popup alerts you when your patient is trending toward or experiencing a hypotensive event.* If the HPI parameter value exceeds 85 for two consecutive 20-second updates or reaches 100 at any time, the HPI high alert popup window will appear, prompting you to review the patient hemodynamics using the HPI secondary screen.
HPI high alert popup
The advanced hemodynamic pressure and flow parameters provided on the HPI secondary screen allow you to investigate and identify the root cause of potentially developing hypotensive events.
HPI secondary screen
The HPI parameter value is updated every 20 seconds, providing continuous predictive insights into developing hypotensive events.*
Educational resources
Case study: Clinical utility of dP/dt
With Viewfinder network, data is presented at your fingertips, providing vital patient insights.
The advanced hemodynamic parameters on the secondary screen are arranged visually by:
Preload Contractility Afterload
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Stroke volume variation (SVV) or Pulse pressure variation (PPV) The percent difference between minimum and maximum stroke volume (SV) or pulse pressure (PP) during a respiratory cycle It may be used as an indicator of fluid responsiveness.
Systolic slope (dP/dt) Maximum upslope of the arterial pressure waveform from a peripheral artery. It measures the maximum rate of the arterial pressure rise during left ventricular contraction Changes from baseline or trend values of arterial dP/dt are more useful than absolute values, and may be an indicator of increasing or decreasing contractility
Dynamic arterial elastance (Ea ) The ratio of pulse pressure variation to stroke volume variation It may be used as a predictor to determine when a preload responsive patient may also be pressure responsive. Ea greater than 1.0 may suggest that preload responsive patients will increase their mean arterial pressure in response to a fluid bolus
Ea explained
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Seamless, secure, streamlined
Acumen HPI software is unlocked by Acumen IQ cuff or Acumen IQ sensor. Acumen AFM software is unlocked by Acumen IQ sensor only.
HemoSphere monitor Captures and displays comprehensive hemodynamic and tissue oximetry insights
Viewfinder hub Centralized secure data exchange software
Viewfinder cloud Secures data and enables Viewfinder remote app
Viewfinder remote app Gives you remote access to insights for any patients connected to a HemoSphere monitoring
Viewfinder remote app is designed to enable access to the same advanced hemodynamic insights that HemoSphere monitor delivers.*
Adults across the world will undergo noncardiac surgery annually, and this number continues to increase each year
Patients over 45 years old — more than 1 in 12 patients — globally are estimated to suffer myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery per year.
1 12
Patients over 45 years old experience MINS each year after non-cardiac surgery
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index software is the first predictive technology that provides you with information regarding the likelihood of a patient trending toward a hypotensive event and assists you in understanding the root cause of deteriorating cardiovascular stability.
Once a patient’s mean arterial pressure (MAP) reaches 65 mmHg, it only takes 10 minutes of exposure to see higher associations between intraoperative hypotension and MINS.
Additionally, if a patient's MAP reaches 50 mmHg, it only takes one minute of exposure to see a significant escalation in risk of MINS making early identification of a hypotensive event critical.
Prolonged exposure (≥10 min) to mean arterial pressure (MAP) <80 mmHg and for shorter durations <70 mmHg was associated with mildly elevated risks of any overall organ injury.
30-day mortality, 90-day mortality, perioperative acute myocardial infarction, acute kidney injury, continuous renal replacement therapy, sepsis/sepsis/systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
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The findings indicated an association between intraoperative hypotension in non-cardiac surgery and the three components of MACCE: death, myocardial infarction, and stroke. MACCE was associated with all three absolute MAP thresholds (≤75, ≤65, and ≤55 mmHg) and with the 40% under baseline relative MAP threshold (p<0.001). As absolute MAP thresholds decreased, association progressively increased between IOH and MACCE, 30-day mortality, and 90-day mortality. Due to its association with 30-day MACCE, IOH may be an avoidable risk.
Increased durations of MAP <65-60 mmHg or for any exposure <55-50 mmHg were associated with moderately or highly elevated risks of overall organ injury.
Viewfinder remote app enables full access to your patients’ HemoSphere monitor insights.
Comprehensive insights from comprehensive solutions
HemoSphere monitor
Acumen HPI software with Acumen IQ sensor and cuff
Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter
ForeSight tissue oximetry sensor
Provides a comprehensive view of hemodynamics and tissue oximetry on one monitor.
Acumen HPI software is a first-of-its-kind predictive decision support software that is effective in detecting hemodynamic instability and substantially reducing the duration of intraoperative hypotension.
ForeSight sensor delivers absolute StO values that – when used in combination with the full hemodynamic insights delivered by HemoSphere monitor – enable you to confidently recognize and address cerebral desaturations.
Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheters offer continuous parameters (flow and pressure, oxygen delivery and consumption) for a comprehensive hemodynamic profile.
Viewfinder pathways is a protocol library designed to help inform clinicians of key published protocols used to guide hemodynamic monitoring.
Viewfinder pathways, our interactive hemodynamic protocol library, enables you to take key protocols with you wherever you go, at no cost to you.
Publication in JAMA: “Effect of a Machine Learning–Derived Early Warning System for Intraoperative Hypotension vs Standard Care on Depth and Duration of Intraoperative Hypotension During Elective Noncardiac Surgery: The HYPE Randomized Clinical Trial”
HYPE trial results published in JAMA
Elective, noncardiac surgery patients monitored with Acumen HPI software had a median time of hypotension per patient of 8 minutes compared to 32.7 minutes in the control group. Time-weighted average of hypotension combines the duration and the severity of hypotension corrected for the total duration of the procedure. With Acumen HPI software, the study showed a median .38 mmHg difference between the interventional and control group. The Acumen HPI software secondary screen provided insight into the potential root cause of that hypotension, enabling clinicians to identify the appropriate treatment course.
Publication in the Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing: “Hypotension Prediction Index based protocolized haemodynamic management reduces the incidence and duration of intraoperative hypotension in primary total hip arthroplasty: a single centre feasibility randomised blinded prospective interventional trial”
Results from Acumen HPI implementation in total hip arthroplasty prospective trial
Number of hypotensive events per hour (n/hr) Absolute IOH time (sec) Relative IOH time (IOH time as % of total anesthesia time)
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index software combined with protocolized treatment was shown to reduce the relative and absolute duration of hypotensive events in total hip arthroplasty patients, in comparison to a historical and prospective control group.
HPI=Hypotension Prediction Index software; CTRL=routine anaesthetic care cohort; hCTRL=historic control group HPI group, n=25; CTRL, n=24; hCTRL, n=50. Total n=99
Prediction of hypotension at 5 minutes before an event
Publication in Anesthesia and Analgesia: “Ability of an Arterial Waveform Analysis–Derived Hypotension Prediction Index to Predict Future Hypotensive Events in Surgical Patients” When compared with hemodynamic parameters such as SV, CO, SVV, and MAP, Acumen HPI software showed a higher predictive performance at 5 and 10 minutes before hypotension in this study.
Acumen HPI software had superior ability to predict hypotensive events than common hemodynamic parameters
Receiver operating characteristic curves for HPI, CO, SV, MAP, PP, HR, SVV, and shock index for prediction hypotension 5 and 10 min before the event.
Publication in Anesthesiology: “Machine-learning Algorithm to Predict Hypotension Based on High-fidelity Arterial Pressure Waveform Analysis”
Acumen HPI software demonstrated high accuracy in predicting hypotension
Predictive algorithms can be assessed via a ROC curve, with the AUC showing the predictive power of the algorithm for a specific dataset. At 10 minutes before an event, Acumen HPI software predicted hypotension with a specificity and sensitivity of 89% and 90% respectively, and with an AUC of 0.95 in this study.
AUC=area under curve; ROC=receiver operating characteristic.
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Highlights from 2020 Wijnberge, et al.
Highlights from 2019 Schneck, et al.
Highlights from 2019 Davies, et al.
Highlights from Hatib, et al
Prediction of hypotension at 10 minutes before an event
ROC closest to the y-axis approaches a perfect model, with fewer false-positive and false-negative values
Access key hemodynamic monitoring and tissue oximetry protocols from anywhere
Hypotension was defined as a MAP <65 mmHg for at least 1 minute.
Explore Viewfinder pathways
Viewfinder pathways protocol library
Viewfinder pathways interactive flowcharts guide you through each protocol to assist in training and education – and are downloadable to your phone, tablet or computer.
Create a free account to make Viewfinder pathways your single source for protocols. Add favorites, filter by procedure type – even upload your hospital’s protocols to your library.
Edwards, Edwards Lifesciences, the stylized E logo, Acumen, Acumen HPI, Acumen IQ, ForeSight, HemoSphere, HPI, Hypotension Prediction Index, Swan, Swan-Ganz, and Viewfinder are trademarks of Edwards Lifesciences Corporation or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2022 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation. All rights reserved. PP--US-7626 v1.0 Edwards Lifesciences • One Edwards Way, Irvine CA 92614 USA •